Christianity Philosophy quote(s)

Secrets in the Dark


A quote I came across to share this morning …

We hunger to be known and understood. We hunger to be loved. We hunger to be at peace inside our own skins. We hunger not just to be fed these things but, often without realizing it, we hunger to feed others these things because they too are starving for them. We hunger not just to be loved but to love, not just to be forgiven but to forgive, not just to be known and understood for all the good times and bad times that for better for worse have made us who we are, but to know and understand each other to the same point of seeing that, in the last analysis, we all have the same good times, the same bad times, and that for that very reason there is no such thing in all the world as anyone who is really a stranger.

Frederick Buechner
from Secrets in the Dark: A Life in Sermons

By Tim R Wilson

I'm a married man of 52, with 4 children (10, 15, 22, 23) and live in the metropolis of Chiloquin, somewhere in the mountains of Oregon. I work for a door manufacturer. (Yawn) My interests include photography, camping and other outdoor activities, writing and a group I own on Yahoo.

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