humor odds and ends


the_cat_by_wuyangThis just in…

JEANNETTE, Pa. (AP) – Meow. A district judge has been asked to decide whether that word is a harmless taunt or grounds for misdemeanor harassment. Jeannette police charged a 14-year-old boy for “meowing” whenever he sees his neighbor, 78-year-old Alexandria Carasia. The boy’s family and Carasia do not get along. The boy’s mother said the family got rid of their cat after Carasia complained to police that it used her flower garden as a litter box. The boy testified Tuesday that he only meowed at the woman twice. Carasia testified, “Every time he sees me, he meows.” The boy’s defense attorney, David Martin Jr., argued that the charge should be dismissed. “This should never have been filed,” Martin said. “This is not something that police should be wasting their time with or wasting the court’s time.” Jeannette District Judge Joseph DeMarchis decided to wait 90 days before ruling. DeMarchis said his decision will be based on how the boy and his neighbor get along in the meantime.

Amazing … Leave the kid alone!

Christianity humor

Should men be ordained?


I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but it’s floating around on a few blogs and I found it worth a snicker or two ….

Top Ten Reasons Why Men Should Not Be Ordained

10. A man’s place is in the army.

9. For men who have children, their duties might distract them from the responsibilities of being a parent.

8. Their physical build indicates that men are more suited to tasks such as chopping down trees and wrestling mountain lions. It would be “unnatural” for them to do other forms of work.

7. Man was created before woman. It is therefore obvious that man was a prototype. Thus, they represent an experiment, rather than the crowning achievement of creation.

6. Men are too emotional to be priests or pastors. This is easily demonstrated by their conduct at football games and watching basketball tournaments.

5. Some men are handsome; they will distract women worshipers.

4. To be ordained pastor is to nurture the congregation. But this is not a traditional male role. Rather, throughout history, women have been considered to be not only more skilled than men at nurturing, but also more frequently attracted to it. This makes them the obvious choice for ordination.

3. Men are overly prone to violence. No really manly man wants to settle disputes by any means other than by fighting about it. Thus, they would be poor role models, as well as being dangerously unstable in positions of leadership.

2. Men can still be involved in church activities, even without being ordained. They can sweep paths, repair the church roof, and maybe even lead the singing on Father’s Day. By confining themselves to such traditional male roles, they can still be vitally important in the life of the Church.

1. In the New Testament account, the person who betrayed Jesus was a man. Thus, his lack of faith and ensuing punishment stands as a symbol of the subordinated position that all men should take.

humor odds and ends

Finally … My very own blogger award!!!!


I wanted my blog to have an award. And imagine this … Here is an site to give me one! lol
Click here: weblog wannabe | award-o-matic
Here is my award!


awarded to
Tim Wilson
in the category of
“Happiest Weblogger Alive “




*snicker* On with life ….

humor odds and ends

A New Scientic Study

e9fcb88eee16876b0a585b82c9930b72A study conducted by UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle.

For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features, if she is menstruating or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with scissors lodged in his temple and duct tape over his mouth while he is on fire.

No further studies are expected.

Why do I think Melissa might find this hilarious? lol
humor odds and ends

Keep it to myself!

11415d527121602968876c144ec85adaI have made a decision in life to see how long I can go without talking about the negative and stressful stuff in my life. A couple people at work informed me that they didn’t want to hear about the things in my life (especially which involved them!) that give me stress or disappointment. So I’ve decided it would be an interesting test to see how long I could go without talking about it. Yesterday was day one!! It going great so far. It’s fun to pretend that you’re happy and having a great time when all you want to do is scream in frustration.
I don’t think this is really gonna work ….
humor odds and ends

Horse to exhibit canvas art in Venice

127731-159509-largeThis was so unusual and off the wall I had to share it ….

Horse to exhibit canvas art in Venice

Cholla, a horse from Reno, Nevada, paints canvases holding a brush between his teeth. The mustang’s work has been so acclaimed that an exclusive art exhibition is being held in Venice in the Spring.

Some of Cholla’s paintings have sold for over £2000 and are coveted by celebrity collectors including Martha Stewart.

The horse’s owner, Renne Chambers, passes Cholla a paintbrush which he takes between his teeth and daubs onto a canvas mounted on an easel in his paddock. She admits she squeezes out the paint onto the brush, but says that he does all the rest. She never moves the easel or canvas while he is painting.

She first noticed his interest in art when she noticed him watching intently and following her as she painted her fence.

Said 51 year-old Renne: “[Cholla] seemed really interested in what I was doing, then one day my husband Robert joked to me that I should give him a brush. … he hasn’t looked back since. ”

“Art is an expression of intelligence and animals are capable of thought and creative intention, so why should God give the gift of creation to humans only? God loves us all, great and small.”–159509.html

humor odds and ends

Much to their surprise …

I know this one is really politically incorrect …. But I *snickered* … loudly … lol 
God humor

A prayer for a Monday morning …

children_of_the_sun_by_corazondediosA prayer for a Monday morning. I got this from a Highlights for Children magazine. Really!
A Quit Mind
Lord, give me a quiet mind,
That I might listen;
A gentle tone of voice,
That I might comfort others;
A sound and healthy body,
That I might share
In the joy of walking
And leping and running;
And a good sense of direction
So I might know just where I’m going!
    ~Ruskin Bond
humor quizzes

What Are the Chances that You’ve Been Abducted by Aliens?

A truly off the wall quiz! lol
My result:
There’s a 8% Chance You’ve Been Abducted By Aliens

There’s virtually no chance you’ve been abducted by aliens.
But there’s always hope for the future!

Theres hope????

Check out my new blogs!

Christianity humor Jesus

Jesus Pencil Toppers???

I don’t know but I found this a wee bit bizarre at best ….

Jesus Pencil Toppers
Blessed are the shopping list scrawlers and the test takers when their pencils are topped with one of these replicas of Jesus. Handsomely detailed with a red robe and arms outstretched in blessing or prayer. Five 1-1/4″ (3.2 cm) tall, soft vinyl Jesuses on each illustrated blistercard. UPC