odds and ends

Moon Landings Faked!!!

moonlanding04This is all just too traumatic….I just don’t think that I can cope.…n_landings.htm

There is amazing new evidence here.
You’ll probably be seeing this all over the media pretty soon.
I’d like to be alone now if it’s okay.
Tim, amazed at the things one comes across …
humor odds and ends

Horse to exhibit canvas art in Venice

127731-159509-largeThis was so unusual and off the wall I had to share it ….

Horse to exhibit canvas art in Venice

Cholla, a horse from Reno, Nevada, paints canvases holding a brush between his teeth. The mustang’s work has been so acclaimed that an exclusive art exhibition is being held in Venice in the Spring.

Some of Cholla’s paintings have sold for over £2000 and are coveted by celebrity collectors including Martha Stewart.

The horse’s owner, Renne Chambers, passes Cholla a paintbrush which he takes between his teeth and daubs onto a canvas mounted on an easel in his paddock. She admits she squeezes out the paint onto the brush, but says that he does all the rest. She never moves the easel or canvas while he is painting.

She first noticed his interest in art when she noticed him watching intently and following her as she painted her fence.

Said 51 year-old Renne: “[Cholla] seemed really interested in what I was doing, then one day my husband Robert joked to me that I should give him a brush. … he hasn’t looked back since. ”

“Art is an expression of intelligence and animals are capable of thought and creative intention, so why should God give the gift of creation to humans only? God loves us all, great and small.”–159509.html

Family odds and ends

So Michelle Duggar just had her 18th kid…


The article is here:
Click here: Arkansas family welcomes 18th child, a girl – Yahoo! News;_ylt=AqpbW1jnQN5i4P0xu1LGn4S2GL8C AP – Michelle Duggar holds her newborn daughter, Jordyn-Grace Mikaya Duggar, as her 17 other children and …
“Michelle Duggar delivered the baby girl by Caesarean section Thursday at Mercy Medical Center in Rogers. The baby, named Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar, weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long. Jim Bob Duggar is 43, a year older than his wife. Their oldest child, Joshua, is 20.

The other Duggar children, in between Joshua and Jordyn-Grace, are Jana, 18; John-David, 18; Jill, 17; Jessa, 16; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 12; Joy-Anna, 11; Jeremiah, 9; Jedidiah, 9; Jason, 8; James, 7; Justin, 6; Jackson, 4; Johannah, 3; and Jennifer, 1.

“Our whole family is excited about Jordyn’s addition to our family,” Jim Bob Duggar said. “She’s just perfect in every way.”

Wow… yeah, amazing … I just looked at her kids ages and it does look like she has been perpetually pregnant since the late 80’s. I wonder if she remembers what it’s like not to be pregnant? I can’t imagine ever having more than like… 4 kids. 18 is just… I dunno. I would forget their names!
humor odds and ends

Much to their surprise …

I know this one is really politically incorrect …. But I *snickered* … loudly … lol 
odds and ends quote(s)

Shrek Love

shrek_and_fiona_by_agivegaThere I was … thinking back on an more enlightening intellectual deep movie — “Shrek” — and an amazing revelation about true love came to me. Here it is: True love causes you to become who you are really meant to be, it brings out the side of you that was always meant to exist but somehow never was able to, the real you is waiting just inside to be brought out by true love. *Sigh*  
Now THAT is what I call romantic! Anybody care to say “Awww”?
Does this make any sense ?
odds and ends thoughts

happy being unhappy?


Why do some people have to live with so much drama in their lives…. You know we all know at least one person like this….the one who every time you see or talk to them something “big” is going on in their lives……

I don’t mind helping and listening to others but then that one person comes into your life and they make you want to pull your hair out…its always one thing after another…and to make it worse they aren’t even trying to change it they thrive on the attention the drama gives them!

Maybe what I need is prayer for dealing with people like this in my life … I find that with these people you just end up smiling and try to stay out of as much as you can. there is no point in sounding like a broken record if they don’t want to listen. But it amazes me that people would rather be unhappy than actually try and work through things. Could it be that some people are happy being unhappy?

odds and ends

Neurons and the Universe


This is just unspeakably awesome.  A side-by-side shot of a neuron and a mock-up of the visible universe show the remarkable similarities between the two. I just found it amazing ….